The two sample values are noted next to each other in a manner that the pair falls in the same row. The procedure for a paired t-test is explained below: In such a case when the two sample subjects are related to each other, they form match pair data. The aim of the study is to analyze the effect of the relation and the variable under study. The second case is when there are two different groups of subjects. In some cases, the same sample is used, and measured twice. The objective is to clearly show in which scenarios paired t test is used.

A paired t-test is used for such scenarios. Hence, here in this scenario, the measurement of the pair is compared among themselves. For example, if the sample one consists of brother and sample two consists of a sister, then the pairs of brother and sister are obtained through these two samples. The second scenario where a paired test is used is, when the two samples are related to each other by any means. This is the main difference between a paired t-test and 2 independent samples t-test. The before-measurement of any subject cannot be just compared to the after-measurement of any other subject. Here it is important to understand that a specific subject’s before-measurement is compared to its after-measurement only. So, the subject measurements are taken before the treatment is applied, then measurements of the same subject are taken after the treatment is applied. In the first case, the aim is to find the effect of the treatment on the subjects. Simplilearn offers Minitab training course online with Statistics.There are two scenarios or two different types of studies where a paired t-test is used for hypothesis testing. Read more: Process Capability Analysis: Minitab with Statistics To know more about Normality Test, you can explore Simplilearn’s Minitab with Statistics Training. 05, we can assume the “Before” data is normal. Here we can notice that since the P value is greater than. Once we click ok, Minitab generates the probability plot in a separate window. While there are multiple kinds of normality tests available, the Anderson Darling Test is the most reliable and commonly used test. Now we click on Anderson-Darling and then click on OK. Double click on before in the left hand side box to select it. In this example, let us test the Column which has before, data for normality. Click on Normality Test then enter the variables on the respective columns. Go to Start menu and then move to Basic Statistics. Go to File Menu, click Open Project and then load the file including Cholesterol levels at fasting. Example of conducting a Normality Test Taking the example of Cholesterol levels at fasting, before breakfast and after breakfast levels, let’s conduct a normality test. After clicking OK, Minitab generates the probability plot in a separate window. Step 3: Click on Normality Test and then enter the variables on the respective columns. Step 2: Go to Start menu and then move to Basic Statistics. Step 1: Go to File menu, click Open Project and then load the data to be analyzed. Let’s have a look at the steps to perform a normality test using Minitab. Minitab has statistical tools that allow one to perform statistical calculations with ease. One can conduct a Normality test using Minitab. Many statistical analyses require that the data come from normally distributed populations. The normal distribution is the most common statistical distribution because approximate normality arises naturally in many physical, biological, and social measurement situations. A normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve that is symmetric about its mean. Normality Test helps one to determine whether a data is following a normal distribution or not. Normality is one of the major concepts in statistics used for various statistical calculations.