But if you missed the half-second disclaimer, they want you to know this is fiction, so it's all okay to taint a woman's name for the sake of entertainment and ratings. Something not substantiated in her autobiography.
#El hijo de jenni rivera series#
This series starts off making the claim that Rivera was a disinterested mother and cheating on her husband. #Repost ・・・ For those who missed last week's episode of Dolores Was Her Name, let me give you my own personal opinion of some of the major highlights. Oh and by the way least you could've done out of courtesy was gotten a handsome guy to play my Dad. Is this the tribute you wanted to make to my mother? Make her look like a cheater and someone she wasn't at all? To think she trusted you for so long. En vida, Jenni pudo conocer a la primognita de Michael Marn as como la primera hija de Jacqie. Es egresado de la escuela Trade Technical College en Los ngeles, se dedica a las artes plsticas y es padre de una pequea con autismo. Anyone who is a true fan of this woman knows that she loved more than anything to be a mother and when she loved, she loved faithfully. En el ltimo escndalo de la dinasta Rivera, solo quedaba uno por hablar, el protagonista: J ohnny Lpez, el hijo menor de Jenni Rivera, y fue este lunes en ‘El Gordo y la. Entretenimiento Hijo de Jenni Rivera, Johnny Lpez, impuls auditoria y Doa Rosa dice que su nieto quiere ms dinero El hijo menor de 'La Diva de la Banda' es quien habra. Poco se sabe de la vida de Michael, pero es el segundo hijo de Jenni Rivera lado de Jos Trinidad Marn. Everything this person said just now states all the points. Michael, de 31 aos, es hijo de Jenni Rivera y su primer esposo, Jos Trinidad Marn, con quien estuvo casada entre 1984 y 1992, y tambin tuvo a Chiquis y Jacqie.

They're doing a horrible job at portraying my mother. soltó la bomba de que michael rivera, hijo de la cantante jenni con josé trinidad marín, fue arrestado bajo el cargo de tener sexo con una menor de 14 años, bajo presunto uso de.

Some of the main people who are involved in this project are those who have done things to hurt my mother in the past, therefore I don't believe they even deserve to be even working on something involving her. The 2 main reasons I'm opposed to this is because 1. Estos son los hijos de la diva de la banda Durante su vida, Jenni Rivera tuvo un total de cinco hijos, siendo Janney ‘Chiquis’ Marn Rivera, Jacqueline Melina Marn Rivera, Michael Marn Rivera, Jenicka Lpez Rivera y Juan ngel Lpez Rivera, siendo Chiquis la ms famosa de los cinco y quien ms parecido tiene con su madre. I don't have a problem with someone making a series about my Mom authorized or not as long as they make it GOOD.

#Rant This is exactly why I am pissed about this series.